Jan 12, 2009

Native Plants Agronomist - Pacific NW

Native Plants Agronomist

Back to nature type? This native plant seed company specializes in restoring or establishing natural habitat for wildlife and for land repair. The company works with land owners by making recommendations for the establishment and growth of the right mix of native plants. They also produce and sell the seeds. Over 130 different varieties of grasses, flowers and forbs. If land stewardship is important to you and you are a trained agronomist with botany and taxonomy training, this may be the career for you. We are NOT looking for fertilizer salesmen but for a true plant enthusiast who can assist in producing the seed, consult with contracted growers and make recommendations and sales to landowners. Established 20 year old company. Salary $48 to $55k with benefits. Inland Pacific Northwest locale. 
Mike Conklin mike@agripnw.com (509) 285-5657

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