Jan 11, 2009

Let's Be Generous

You are busy. Very busy. I don't care whether you're in college, high school, an entry level job, or 20 years into your career. You're busy. How do you get it all done? Family, friends, work, extra-curricular (work-ular) activities, church, social activities...and let's be honest, not always in that particular order! Right? So as it pertains to helping other people, how do you ever have time?

Time for what? Good question. Time to fit it all in. Where are there enough little time slots in your Franklin Covey or Outlook Calendar to get all the little things that have to happen scheduled? Is it even possible to get this stuff done? The answer: Yes. Yes it is. And you are doing it almost every day. Mostly in part because it is part of who you are. You are not a "family man/woman" one minute - and a friend the next. You are not an employee one day, ad Dad the next day, a church go-er another (although that one could be debated sometimes). These are all part of who you are - and there are no lines drawn preventing you from doing them all at the same time.

Here's a closer look at what I mean. Part of the reason you work, (or are at least planning to) is because you want to support your family, you often are friends with co-workers and so their trust is upheld by your performance. You'll hit a happy hour with friends, colleagues, and clients on various occasions - again, covering more than one base. You might have a volleyball league with people from your church, and you invite them over for your Sunday barbeque - where all your kids/family are present. See - there you have it, its all part of who we are. We are not one of these things at a given time, we're all of these things all the time.

So where am I going with all this? Simply enough, I am just asking you to be MORE generous in all of this. We are in very interesting times in our world right now. The people you interact with all the time may be a bit nervous. They may be looking for a job, or keeping something on the back burner just in case. Since you are reading this, you know that there is a resource they can use to help them find jobs in the ag industry. And whether you know of a job opportunity that is listed on this blog or not - I am asking you to be generous with your time, and tell someone that might be interested about it. I mean, how many times have you seen a cool job that someone you know would be great at - but fail to pass it along? Happens all the time. But it doesn't have to be that way. I'm asking you to be just a bit more generous every day and think about those that need you. Those that need your connections, need your knowledge, your resources. Find a way to help them along. And by all means, please, take the 30 seconds and recommend your resources to them.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

This goes along with one of my resolutions to ask people what I can help them do instead of telling them what they should be doing. (It's actually a bit self-serving because I would like to be treated the same way.) Generosity is hopefully a mantra that will catch on!