Mar 3, 2010

Our Commitment to Customer Service

At Jewell Outdoors, we are in the business of helping you make memories - all we do is provide the bait.

I mean that. We are truly dedicated to helping you have the best fishing trip, weekend getaway, family time, what ever your fishing experience. Our part in that is to provide healthy, lively bait, in a timely fashion.
Sometimes, customers need a hand making an online purchase. Others have questions about how to keep bait alive. Once in a while a customer wonders if we can put night crawlers on bedding, rather than soil, so they can take them to Canada (we can do that). To us, it is about performing. It is about satisfied customers.

We are constantly looking for better ways to do that. If you've seen something that we could improve, leave a comment on this blog post, create a forum at the Jewell Outdoors Community (, or email me direct at Thanks for allowing us to be part of your experience.

Posted via email from Jewell Outdoors

Mar 2, 2010

2010 Leech Wrangler Competition

This year, at Jewell Outdoors we are holding a fun new contest! We will make it possible for people to answer first hand the question we get asked so often: "How do you catch leeches?"

For the first time ever, we are making our leech traps available to anyone and everyone that wants them. Sure, you can buy them in our online store at But, if you really want to get in on the nitty gritty - we are holding a leech wrangling contest!

Rules of engagement will be available shortly - but in the meantime, if you're interested in participating, subscribe to our mailing list on the home page at You'll be the first to know! Until next time...

Bobbers down!

Posted via email from Jewell Outdoors

Working on New Posting Mechanism

AgJobNetwork is undergoing some big changes right now - and we're formulating new plans that will help connect Ag Job Seekers and Ag Job Employers even better. We remain confident that our service connects people in agriculture through social media as good or better than anyone. Our purpose remains to fuel the word of mouth engine for job seekers and employee hirers in Agriculture. We also aim to be a strong advocate for the jobs that make this industry work. Stay tuned!

Posted via email from AgJobNetwork